What song do you think everybody should listen to once in their life?
Honestly? Call me an indie music stan or whatever but I think everybody should listen to Bones by Crumb. I play it when I’m walking around Edinburgh and want to feel mysterious.
What film/book do you think everybody should have read/seen?
I am not very big on movies, to be honest. My attention span absolutely sucks. But Shrek is great! As for books, I really like Untamed by Glennon Doyle. It really resonated with me.

What have you missed the most over the last 102 days?
I’ve been quite content over the past few weeks. I’ve been spending a lot of time alone and it has been peaceful. However, I do miss good Lebanese food, for sure.

I’m quite an expressive person, so I’ve been conflicted over what I’d like to write about all day. Recently, I’ve been on this journey of really getting to know myself and being unapologetically me. I’ve struggled with being a people pleaser all my life but earlier this year, I had an epiphany. I realized that I was going above and beyond to make everyone around me happy while I was struggling. I’d spend time with people who made me feel bad about myself because I felt like I had to and not because I wanted to. I got to see my best friend in April when I flew home to Dubai and the conversation we had changed my life. She told me that I put myself in a box because I am too afraid to step outside of my comfort zone. That stung, but it was just what I needed to hear. So, I decided to put myself out there. Underqualified for a job? I applied anyway. Too scared to work on my dissertation because I didn’t feel smart enough? I did it frightened. As the weeks passed, I started to fall in love with this new version of myself. The one that refused to limit herself. I felt unstoppable… and that is exactly what helped me break my people pleasing tendencies. I started curating my peace by trying anything and everything and it made me realize that life was too short to spend my time on people or activities that I did not like. I was suddenly aware of the power that I possessed in making these decisions. So, if you haven’t heard from me in a while… you know why.. Lol. I just refuse to go back to that place again. I’ve fallen in love with the woman I am becoming and she has no place in her life for half-hearted people or conversations. Oh and did I mention I got my dream job and I start on Monday? Yeah, I cannot wait.