What song do you think everyone should listen to once in their life ?
Scenes from an Italian Restaurant, Billy Joel
What book is a must read ?
The Midnight Palace by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
What film is a must see ?
Troy (the one with Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom)
What are you most grateful for ?
The time spent with my family during lockdown.

I absolutely love the gym and all it does for my mental health so gyms shutting over lockdown was a bit of a challenge. But I made do with what I had (water containers, heavy backpacks, parts of my bed ) and trained as effectively as I could. I then saved up some money and invested in some kit when it was clear lockdown was going to be a long time. This meant I could crack on with training properly - not the same as being in the gym but pretty close. Anyway, fast forward to now and I’m about to complete my personal training course so that I can do what I love day in day out and help lots of people along the way!