What song do you think everybody should listen to once in their life?
The Dishwasher by Ezra Furman. Great title for a great song.
What book/film do you think everybody should have read/seen?
I work in a bookshop so choosing just one book is hard! But if I had to pick, it would be Rabbits for Food by Binnie Kirschenbaum. It’s an exploration of mental health and human connection, presented in the most incredible, unexplainable way. It got under my skin in a way that no book has before, to the point that I couldn’t pick up another book for over a week. I just loved it, I cannot tell you how incredible it was. Just read it for yourself and find out!
As for films, About Time is heart-wrenching. In the best way. Romance at its finest.

What have you missed most over the last 102 days?
Honestly, I’ve missed being a student. I started my first full time job in October 2021, and as cliché as it is, I didn’t realise how much time and freedom I had as a student. It’s something that I’ve noticed especially in the spring and summer months. Time that I would normally spend outside in the sunshine with friends, I’ve now spent inside a building serving customers. I love my job, I really do, but anyone who knows me knows how much I love being out in the sun, so to have that time significantly reduced has been tough.

Don’t let people make you feel guilty for not conforming to their ideas of success. Everyone has their own definition of success, and the markers of individual success vary between everyone. Your success will conform to what your priorities are, and what your own goals are, so don’t let people take that away from you. You’re welcome for that valuable advice from my 80 year old soul.