What song do you think everyone should listen to once in their life ?
Wild is the wind – Nina Simone
What film is a must see ?
This is a very tough one. I’ll go with Mike Leigh’s “Happy Go Lucky”, because it’s one I come back to.
What book is a must read ?
Oscar Wilde’s “De Profundis” had me in tears more than once. Beautiful words from a beautiful person.
What are you most grateful for ?
The people who make you want to be a better person, my loved ones, my teachers, and never-ending learning. Also Bach, Beethoven, Woolf, and the Alexander Technique.
If you look at the past year from a distance, it looks insane. In the midst of everything that has been going on, moving to Scotland, then having to go back to my home-country (in the course of 2 days), and then coming back to Scotland (determined to stay this time!)
It’s been split between the two most productive periods of my life, and a period of nothingness in the middle. I have no bungee jumping experience, but I think of it as someone catching me in the air exactly as a jump and then making me wait there for 4 months until I try again. Each person’s experience has been different, but, at least, there is a sense of collectiveness , I’m sure it’s been insane for all of us for different (or the same) reasons.
I know this comes from a place of privilege, but I’ve been very happy for a big part of this time. I’m looking forward to more carefree times, but I’m happy that I was able to achieve a lot, that I can work in a job that I love, and I can attend my training course. And in all this, it has been very moving seeing the response of people who are trying to help in any way they can; they brought little bits of sunshine even when things seemed to be turning upside down.