What song do you think everybody should listen to once in their life ?
See You Again – Tyler, the Creator
This song just gives me such a good feeling. Tyler is such an off-the-wall artist and his energy always brings a smile to my face, but it’s Kali Uchis’ vocals that make this song feel so gorgeous. I think everyone has that someone they can relate this song to too, whenever this song comes on I can close my eyes and see them.
What film/ book do you think everybody me should have read/ seen?
Schindler’s List
This film moved me on many levels, the story set during the Holocaust was harrowing in itself but I found the nuance within many of the characters was hugely interesting. The title character, a member of the Nazi party and a profiteer, found the courage to save many Jewish lives despite the danger this brought upon himself. I saw the film for the first time during my late-teens and I think it posed tough hypothetical questions about what I would do in similar circumstances, and also allowed me to view others as complex and nuanced people rather than a binary ‘good’ or ‘bad’.
What have you missed the most over the last 102 days?
Over the last 102 days, surprisingly the thing I have missed the most is free time. Having finished my second year of university, I was looking forward to the summer and being able to take time to read the pile of books I didn’t have time to study over the last year. I was going to make the most of the time to catch up on elements that I didn’t fully get to grips with in classes. I was going to continue to study Arabic. I was going to visit friends who had moved away from Edinburgh recently.
Unfortunately my part-time work became rather more full-time, with many of my colleagues having to isolate with Covid and others on holiday. I also, despite telling myself I wouldn’t, agreed to be on a korfball committee again which took up a lot more time than I was expecting. As the saying goes “If you need something done, ask a busy person.”
So, here I am facing the start of my final year of my degree having made myself promises of prioritising my studies and preparing myself as fully as possible for a difficult final push and yet having nothing to show for my summer except perhaps the ability to pay some of my winter energy bills…

I had a bit of time to think about what to write. I tried to find something profound, or amusing, but without the aid of a question its quite hard to find something to say sometimes. So I thought I’d just write a note to those around me who are there to support me. I’m about to start studying again, and I know that I’ll be an absolute mess around deadlines and so this is a pre-emptive thank you to the people who are going to willingly put up with the sleep deprived, anxious, stressed and mardy version of me. I’ll make it up to you when I’m a world famous architect…