What song do you think everyone should listen to once in their life ?
Song for Zula by Phosphorescent
What film is a must see ?
Remember the Titans
What book is a must read ?
Shoe Dog by Phil Knight, The Blue Sweater by Jacqueline Novogratz
What are you most grateful for ?
My incredibly amazing support system of my family and friends

I came to Edinburgh almost 4 years ago for my Masters and fell in love with the city. Last year in March, before the pandemic hit the UK, I went home to India to visit my family on Holi, like I do every year. Few days after I landed all the flights were cancelled and my 2 week holiday became a 7 months long stay with my family. When I was finally able to fly back to Edinburgh in October, I realised I immensely missed home! It forced me to re-evaluate my priorities. Had it not been for pandemic, I would not have realised how short the life is! I knew if I didn’t go now, I would always have this regret. Next month, I will say goodbye to Edinburgh. I am very excited about starting a new job in Delhi with a startup and being close to all the people I love. Edinburgh holds a piece of my heart and I will forever be grateful for the amazing memories I made here but it’s time to head back to mothership and embrace the next phase of my life!